The MaudCast is the podcast of the L.M. Montgomery Institute. In the MaudCast’s quest to discover cutting edge scholarship about the life and works of Lucy Maud Montgomery, we welcome to the microphone leading academics, emerging scholars, local researchers, and imaginative readers and writers from around the world. Hosted by Dr. Brenton Dickieson, we broadcast from the beautiful campus of the University of Prince Edward Island.

Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
MaudCast S01E10 Rita Bode, Women Writers, and Editing L.M. Montgomery Scholarship
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
Wednesday Mar 31, 2021
In this episode, host Brenton Dickieson sits down with the legendary Professor Rita Bode, a scholar of women writers, including L.M. Montgomery and American Women’s Regionalist Fiction (the title of a recent collection of essays that Brenton in this episode calls “the Gothic book”). Rita has co-edited two recent critical volumes in Montgomery studies, and the discussion ranges across the great content of those works and Rita’s observations. And of course, Rita and Brenton talk books, sharing their experiences of some of the books we love to love--and some we struggle to love.
Show Notes
The MaudCast is the podcast of the L.M. Montgomery Institute. In the MaudCast’s quest to discover cutting edge scholarship about the life and works of Lucy Maud Montgomery, we welcome to the microphone leading academics, emerging scholars, local researchers, and imaginative readers and writers from around the world. Hosted by Dr. Brenton Dickieson, we broadcast from the beautiful campus of the University of Prince Edward Island.
The MaudCast Team
Host and Founding Producer: Brenton Dickieson
Founding Co-Producer: Kate Scarth
Technical Director: Kristy McKinney
Researcher: MacKenzie Cutcliffe
Researcher: Alyssa Gillespie
Researcher: Darriel Rolle
Visual Design: Heidi Haering
Web Coordinator: Melanie J. Fishbane
Find the MaudCast on Twitter and Instagram @LMMIMaudCast
L.M. Montgomery Institute Website: https://www.lmmontgomery.ca/
L.M. Montgomery Institute Twitter: @LMMI_PEI
Kindred Spaces Research Collection Online: https://kindredspaces.ca/
The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies: https://journaloflmmontgomerystudies.ca/
Brenton Dickieson Twitter: @BrentonDana
Brenton Dickieson website: www.aPilgrimInNarnia.com
Rita Bode's Website: https://www.trentu.ca/english/faculty-research/rita-bode
The SHCY interview: https://shcy.pinecast.co/episode/ad71313719b84805/l-m-montgomery-and-the-matter-of-nature-s-
Susato’s “Selection from The Danserye: III. Les Quatre Branle” performed by the UPEI Wind Symphony, directed by Dr. Karem J Simon, available for purchase here: https://upeiwindsymphony.bandcamp.com/album/the-danserye
Closing quotation:
“‘Well now, I guess it wasn’t a boy that took the Avery scholarship, was it? It was a girl - my girl - my girl that I’m proud of.’” (Anne of Green Gables, Ch. 36, p. 346 [Tundra edition])
Special thanks to the Robertson Library at UPEI and all of our community partners.
The MaudCast is supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
MaudCast S01E09 Jenny Litster and L.M. Montgomery’s Cultural Contexts
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
In this episode of the MaudCast we chat with Jenny Litster, a cultural historian and specialist on L.M. Montgomery and her Scottish and Prince Edward Island roots.
Show Notes
The MaudCast is the podcast of the L.M. Montgomery Institute. In the MaudCast’s quest to discover cutting-edge scholarship about the life and works of Lucy Maud Montgomery, we welcome to the microphone leading academics, emerging scholars, local researchers, and imaginative readers and writers from around the world. Hosted by Dr. Brenton Dickieson, we broadcast from the beautiful campus of the University of Prince Edward Island.
The MaudCast Team
Host and Founding Producer: Brenton Dickieson
Founding Co-Producer: Kate Scarth
Technical Director: Kristy McKinney
Visual Design: Heidi Haering
Web Coordinator: Melanie J. Fishbane
Researcher: Alyssa Gillespie
Researcher: Darriel Rolle
Researcher: MacKenzie Cutcliffe
Find the MaudCast on Twitter and Instagram @LMMIMaudCast
L.M. Montgomery Institute website: https://www.lmmontgomery.ca/
L.M. Montgomery Institute twitter: @LMMI_PEI
Kindred Spaces Research Collection Online: https://kindredspaces.ca/
The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies: https://journaloflmmontgomerystudies.ca/
Brenton Dickieson twitter: @BrentonDana
Brenton Dickieson website: www.aPilgrimInNarnia.com
Jenny Litster’s Social Media Links:
Instagram: @floramcflimsey
Twitter: @jennylitster
Susato’s “Selection from The Danserye: III. Les Quatre Branle” performed by the UPEI Wind Symphony, directed by Dr. Karem J Simon, available for purchase here: https://upeiwindsymphony.bandcamp.com/album/the-danserye
Closing quotation:
“There can’t be any doubt that the exhortation to love our neighbour as ourselves is a proper and edifying one: but it is a hard thing to do when one has a neighbour like Susanna Johnson.” (“The After-Thanksgiving Story”)
Special thanks to the Robertson Library at UPEI and all of our community partners.
The MaudCast is supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Thursday Jan 21, 2021
MaudCast S01E08 Rachel Dodge and The Anne of Green Gables Devotional
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Show Notes
The MaudCast is the podcast of the L.M. Montgomery Institute. In the MaudCast’s quest to discover cutting edge scholarship about the life and works of Lucy Maud Montgomery, we welcome to the microphone leading academics, emerging scholars, local researchers, and imaginative readers and writers from around the world. Hosted by Dr. Brenton Dickieson, we broadcast from the beautiful campus of the University of Prince Edward Island.
The MaudCast Team
Host and Founding Producer: Brenton Dickieson
Founding Co-Producer: Kate Scarth
Technical Director: Kristy McKinney
Visual Design: Heidi Haering
Web Coordinator: Melanie J. Fishbane
Researcher: Alyssa Gillespie
Researcher: Darriel Rolle
Find the MaudCast on Twitter and Instagram @LMMIMaudCast
L.M. Montgomery Institute website: https://www.lmmontgomery.ca/
L.M. Montgomery Institute twitter: @LMMI_PEI
Kindred Spaces Research Collection Online: https://kindredspaces.ca/
The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies: https://journaloflmmontgomerystudies.ca/
Brenton Dickieson twitter: @BrentonDana
Brenton Dickieson website: www.aPilgrimInNarnia.com
Rachel Dodge’s Website: www.racheldodge.com
Rachel Dodge’s Social Media Links:
Instagram: @kindredspiritbooks
Twitter: @RachelDodgeBks
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/racheldodgebooks
Susato’s “Selection from The Danserye: III. Les Quatre Branle” performed by the UPEI Wind Symphony, directed by Dr. Karem J Simon, available for purchase here: https://upeiwindsymphony.bandcamp.com/album/the-danserye
Rilla of Ingleside Readathon: https://www.facebook.com/groups/512319292977623/
Closing quotation:
“It’s a million times nicer to be Anne of Green Gables than Anne of nowhere in particular, isn’t it?” —Anne Shirley (AGG, Ch. 8)
Special thanks to the Robertson Library at UPEI and all of our community partners.
The MaudCast is supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
In this episode, host and producer Brenton Dickieson sits down digitally with Kate Scarth, Chair of L.M. Montgomery Studies at the University of Prince Edward Islands and Alyssa Gillespie, editorial assistant for The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies. In discussing our family holiday traditions and our favourite Montgomery Christmas scenes, we also visit with the technical director of the MaudCast, Kristy McKinney. With eggnog lattes in our hands and red currant wine in our hearts, the MaudCast team toasts this strange year that was with hopes for the years to come. The episode concludes with Brenton’s reading of “Christmas at Red Butte,” Montgomery’s prairie Christmas story, and one that reminds us of the importance of family and self-sacrifice--even in the midst of adversity, isolation, and distance from the ones we love. Merry Christmas!