The MaudCast is the podcast of the L.M. Montgomery Institute. In the MaudCast’s quest to discover cutting edge scholarship about the life and works of Lucy Maud Montgomery, we welcome to the microphone leading academics, emerging scholars, local researchers, and imaginative readers and writers from around the world. Hosted by Dr. Brenton Dickieson, we broadcast from the beautiful campus of the University of Prince Edward Island.

Monday Nov 22, 2021
MaudCast S02E01 Allison Hudson and How We Touch the Books We Read
Monday Nov 22, 2021
Monday Nov 22, 2021
MaudCast S02E01 Allison Hudson and How We Touch the Books We Read
In this episode, host Brenton Dickieson sits down with Allison McBain Hudson, a Canadian-Irish writer and Montgomery scholar. Following an MA in Children’s and Young Adult Literature that focused on Montgomery’s rural Canadian romanticism in Anne of Green Gables and the Emily trilogy, Allison has moved on to PhD studies in literature at Dublin City University. Brenton and Allison discuss her research, how she moves from “metaphysical” ideas in Montgomery’s writings in her MA research, to the discovery of “physical” objects in her doctoral dissertation. In particular, Allison discusses her research in “material culture” in L.M. Montgomery’s novels--the tangible, tactile objects that make up the details of everyday life. These objects, like houses, books, portraits, mittens, and hanging hams provide atmosphere and setting in the novel, but they also provide connection points between the characters and carry other kinds of significance for the reader. While Allison and Brenton chat about the Emily trilogy throughout, their conversation about books ranges out into the fantastic, considering the “material culture” of objects like wardrobes, sewing machines, rings, and mundane portkeys in writers like C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, J.K. Rowling, Madeleine L’Engle, Ursula K. Le Guin, Katherine Paterson, and Annie Dillard.
Show Notes
The MaudCast is the podcast of the L.M. Montgomery Institute. In the MaudCast’s quest to discover cutting-edge scholarship about the life and works of Lucy Maud Montgomery, we welcome to the microphone leading academics, emerging scholars, local researchers, and imaginative readers and writers from around the world. Hosted by Dr. Brenton Dickieson, we broadcast from the beautiful campus of the University of Prince Edward Island.
The MaudCast Team
Host and Founding Producer: Brenton Dickieson
Founding Co-Producer: Kate Scarth
Technical Director: Kristy McKinney
Researcher: Abbey McRoberts
Researcher: Alyssa Gillespie
Visual Design: Heidi Haering
Web Coordinator: Melanie J. Fishbane
Find the MaudCast on Twitter and Instagram @LMMIMaudCast
L.M. Montgomery Institute Website: https://www.lmmontgomery.ca/
L.M. Montgomery Institute Twitter: @LMMI_PEI
Kindred Spaces Research Collection Online: https://kindredspaces.ca/
The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies: https://journaloflmmontgomerystudies.ca/
Brenton Dickieson Twitter: @BrentonDana
Brenton Dickieson website: www.aPilgrimInNarnia.com
Guest Social Media Links:
Twitter: @Nikiwan72
Facebook: Allison McBain Hudson
Instagram: @nikiwan72
Susato’s “Selection from The Danserye: III. Les Quatre Branle” performed by the UPEI Wind Symphony, directed by Dr. Karem J Simon, available for purchase here: https://upeiwindsymphony.bandcamp.com/album/the-danserye.
Closing quotation:
“[Jane] had been away from Lantern Hill for nine months, but now it seemed to her that she had never been away at all. She had been living here all along. It was her spirit’s home” (L.M. Montgomery, Jane of Lantern Hill (Seal Books, 1988), p.169).
Other quotations:
“Our lives are characterised by innumerable encounters with objects…Objects are routinely, mundanely, part of everyday existence. Moreover, beyond this pragmatic view, even the most commonplace object has the capacity to symbolise the deepest human anxieties and aspirations…in important ways objects have a type of power over us…people require objects to understand and perform aspects of selfhood, and to navigate the terrain of culture more broadly” (Ian Woodward, Understanding Material Culture, p. vi).
“Emily had never seen a kitchen like this before. It had dark wooden walls and low ceiling, with black rafters crossing it, from which hung hams and sides of bacon and bunches of herbs and new socks and mittens, and many other things, the names and uses of which Emily could not imagine. The sanded floor was spotlessly white, but the boards had been scrubbed away through the years until the knots in them stuck up all over in funny little bosses, and in front of the stove they had sagged, making a queer, shallow little hollow” (L.M. Montgomery, Emily of New Moon, ch. 6).
Special thanks to the Robertson Library at UPEI and all of our community partners.
The MaudCast is supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
MaudCast S02E00 Season Two Teaser
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
MaudCast S02E00 Season Two Teaser
Hello kindred spirits, and welcome to MaudCast, the official podcast of the L.M. Montgomery Institute, broadcasting from the beautiful campus of the University of Prince Edward Island.
In this age of dislocation and disarray, season one of the MaudCast was far richer than we could have expected. In a dozen episodes, our little podcast brought together Montgomery scholars from around the world, carrying on the work that the L.M. Montgomery Institute has done for more than a quarter of a century: promoting research in and celebration of the life, works, culture, and influence of our favourite Prince Edward Island-born, Canadian writer, Lucy Maud Montgomery.
And we are pleased to announce that Season two is upon us!
We are very much looking forward to welcoming to the microphone Montgomery readers from Prince Edward Island and across the world. Upcoming episodes include conversations about Montgomery’s poetry, new methods of reading her novels, writerly projects about Montgomery’s biography or questions about gender and culture, and considerations of the ways her work inspires in us an artistic voice or a sense of place. In season two, we will speak with scholars, poets, writers, artists, performers, and leaders in the Montgomery community
--all in a quest to discover cutting-edge scholarship about the life and works of Lucy Maud Montgomery and join imaginative readers throughout the world.
We hope you will join us in this new bend in the road for the MaudCast. I am your host, Dr. Brenton Dickieson. From Technical Director Kristy McKinney and all of us at the MaudCast, we’ll see you soon.
Show Notes
The MaudCast is the podcast of the L.M. Montgomery Institute. In the MaudCast’s quest to discover cutting-edge scholarship about the life and works of Lucy Maud Montgomery, we welcome to the microphone leading academics, emerging scholars, local researchers, and imaginative readers and writers from around the world. Hosted by Dr. Brenton Dickieson, we broadcast from the beautiful campus of the University of Prince Edward Island.
The MaudCast Team
Host and Founding Producer: Brenton Dickieson
Founding Co-Producer: Kate Scarth
Technical Director: Kristy McKinney
Researcher: Abbey McRoberts
Researcher: Alyssa Gillespie
Visual Design: Heidi Haering
Web Coordinator: Melanie J. Fishbane
Find the MaudCast on Twitter and Instagram @LMMIMaudCast
L.M. Montgomery Institute Website: https://www.lmmontgomery.ca/
L.M. Montgomery Institute Twitter: @LMMI_PEI
Kindred Spaces Research Collection Online: https://kindredspaces.ca/
The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies: https://journaloflmmontgomerystudies.ca/
Brenton Dickieson Twitter: @BrentonDana
Brenton Dickieson website: www.aPilgrimInNarnia.com
Susato’s “Selection from The Danserye: III. Les Quatre Branle” performed by the UPEI Wind Symphony, directed by Dr. Karem J Simon, available for purchase here: https://upeiwindsymphony.bandcamp.com/album/the-danserye.
Special thanks to the Robertson Library at UPEI and all of our community partners.
The MaudCast is supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
In this episode, the 2018 and 2020 winners of the Elizabeth R. Epperly award for Outstanding Early Career Paper sit down for a discussion about Montgomery studies and emerging scholarship. After discussing Bonnie Tulloch’s award-winning paper on “Canadian "Anne-Girl[s]": Literary Descendents of Montgomery's Redheaded Heroine, there is a nice surprise as Bonnie takes over the microphone, interviewing host Brenton Dickieson on his recent paper about Anne’s House of Dreams.
Show Notes
The MaudCast is the podcast of the L.M. Montgomery Institute. In the MaudCast’s quest to discover cutting-edge scholarship about the life and works of Lucy Maud Montgomery, we welcome to the microphone leading academics, emerging scholars, local researchers, and imaginative readers and writers from around the world. Hosted by Dr. Brenton Dickieson, we broadcast from the beautiful campus of the University of Prince Edward Island.
The MaudCast Team
Host and Founding Producer: Brenton Dickieson
Founding Co-Producer: Kate Scarth
Technical Director: Kristy McKinney
Researcher: MacKenzie Cutcliffe
Researcher: Alyssa Gillespie
Researcher: Darriel Rolle
Visual Design: Heidi Haering
Web Coordinator: Melanie J. Fishbane
Find the MaudCast on Twitter and Instagram @LMMIMaudCast
L.M. Montgomery Institute Website: https://www.lmmontgomery.ca/
L.M. Montgomery Institute Twitter: @LMMI_PEI
Kindred Spaces Research Collection Online: https://kindredspaces.ca/
The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies: https://journaloflmmontgomerystudies.ca/
Brenton Dickieson twitter: @BrentonDana
Brenton Dickieson website: www.aPilgrimInNarnia.com
Guest Links and Notes on the Conversation:
Bonnie’s Website: https://nonsensicaltimes.com/
Domestic Art Project, Co-Curated by Bonnie J. Tulloch and Heidi Haering: https://journaloflmmontgomerystudies.ca/vision-forum/domestic-art-project
Bonnie J. Tulloch, Canadian "Anne-Girl[s]": Literary Descendents of Montgomery's Redheaded Heroine, https://journaloflmmontgomerystudies.ca/reading/tulloch/canadian-anne-girls
As noted in the podcast, Bonne’s research was supported by and IBBY Canada's 2013 Frances E. Russell Grant.
Bonnie noted an evocative line from Anne on motherhood. Here is the full quotation from Anne of Ingleside, Chapter 40, where Christine is pressing Anne about whether she is really settled as a small-town doctor’s wife:
“You used to be quite ambitious, if I remember aright. Didn't you write some rather clever little things when you were at Redmond? A bit fantastic and whimsical, of course, but still . . ."
"I wrote them for the people who still believe in fairyland. There is a surprising lot of them, you know, and they like to get news from that country."
"And you've quite given it up?"
"Not altogether . . . but I'm writing living epistles now," said Anne, thinking of Jem and Co.
Christine stared, not recognizing the quotation….
Anne is probably referencing St. Paul in 2 Corinthians 3:1-3, which has become a literary byword in English history.
It is worth noting that 2016 was Bonnie’s first Montgomery conference--not the first one. For this great conference in 2022 in its 15th iteration, see The L.M. Montgomery Institute’s Biennial International Conference Call For Paper Proposals: https://www.lmmontgomery.ca/lmmongtomery.ca/call-papers-lmmontgomery-revision
Brenton’s Epperly-awarding winning paper is “Befriending the Darkness: L.M. Montgomery’s Popular Theodicy in Anne’s House of Dreams” and will appear in the near future in The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies.
Susato’s “Selection from The Danserye: III. Les Quatre Branle” performed by the UPEI Wind Symphony, directed by Dr. Karem J Simon, available for purchase here: https://upeiwindsymphony.bandcamp.com/album/the-danserye
Closing quotation:
“The joys of sincere work and worthy aspiration and congenial friendship were to be hers; nothing could rob her of her birthright of fancy or her ideal world of dreams. And there was always the bend in the road!” (Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables, p. 364).
Special thanks to the Robertson Library at UPEI and all of our community partners.
The MaudCast is supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Thursday Apr 29, 2021
MaudCast S01E11 Mary Beth Cavert and L.M. Montgomery’s Life and Letters
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
In this episode, host Brenton Dickieson sits down with the legendary Mary Beth Cavert--an independent scholar who specializes in the personal, historical, and literary context of Montgomery’s kinship ties. Beyond various published essays, Beth publishes, edits, and writes The Shining Scroll, the journal of the L.M. Montgomery Literary Society. Brenton and Beth discuss L.M. Montgomery’s lifelong correspondence with George B. MacMillan, a Scottish writer. Brenton and Beth also talk about book collecting and book dedications--both fruitful activities for the reader of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s works.
Show Notes
The MaudCast is the podcast of the L.M. Montgomery Institute. In the MaudCast’s quest to discover cutting-edge scholarship about the life and works of Lucy Maud Montgomery, we welcome to the microphone leading academics, emerging scholars, local researchers, and imaginative readers and writers from around the world. Hosted by Dr. Brenton Dickieson, we broadcast from the beautiful campus of the University of Prince Edward Island.
The MaudCast Team
Host and Founding Producer: Brenton Dickieson
Founding Co-Producer: Kate Scarth
Technical Director: Kristy McKinney
Researcher: MacKenzie Cutcliffe
Researcher: Alyssa Gillespie
Researcher: Darriel Rolle
Visual Design: Heidi Haering
Web Coordinator: Melanie J. Fishbane
Find the MaudCast on Twitter and Instagram @LMMIMaudCast
L.M. Montgomery Institute Website: https://www.lmmontgomery.ca/
L.M. Montgomery Institute Twitter: @LMMI_PEI
Kindred Spaces Research Collection Online: https://kindredspaces.ca/
The Journal of L.M. Montgomery Studies: https://journaloflmmontgomerystudies.ca/
Brenton Dickieson Twitter: @BrentonDana
Brenton Dickieson website: www.aPilgrimInNarnia.com
Guest Social Media Links:
Twitter https://twitter.com/LMMontgomeryLS,
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LMMontgomeryLS,
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lmmontgomerylitsociety/
Website: https://lmmontgomeryliterarysociety.weebly.com/
Susato’s “Selection from The Danserye: III. Les Quatre Branle” performed by the UPEI Wind Symphony, directed by Dr. Karem J Simon, available for purchase here: https://upeiwindsymphony.bandcamp.com/album/the-danserye
Closing quotation:
“I had a certain knack for choosing friends which I took as a matter of course but can now see to have been a very vital endowment” (L.M. Montgomery, 1933; originally discovered in the Kindred Spirits Magazine, ed. George Campbell; reprinted in Ben Lefebvre, The L.M Montgomery Reader, Vol. 1, A Life in Print,” 2013, 294).
Special thanks to the Robertson Library at UPEI and all of our community partners.
The MaudCast is supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.